General rules of play and format
Unless otherwise stipulated by rule, this tournament will follow all national high school football rules.
There are two divisions for the Tom Roehl Turkey Bowl.
· 6 on 6 Co-Ed division
The co-ed division will be more strict on contact related rules and will require at least 2 females to be on the field at all times. A female will be required to participate in an offensive play at least every 4th down.
For instance, if it is 3rd down and neither of the females on the offensive team have touched the ball in the previous 2 downs, the offensive team will have 2 more downs to involve a female.
Females may participate in the same way men can, by throwing, catching or running the ball.
Failure to use a female in 4 downs will result in a turnover on downs, unless a team punts on 4th down.
Using the example above, if the offense fails to gain a first down on 3rd and did not target a female on the play, they may elect to punt, and would not be required to involve the female on that down.
· 5 on 5 men’s division
The Men’s division will have no restrictions on player involvement, but will follow all other rules outlined here.
The men’s division will be “slightly” more lenient on inadvertent contact on deep passes, but will not allow any other contact as outlined in these rules. The basic rule on passes will be that no offensive or defensive player may go through a player to get to the ball and may not inhibit the other person from going after the ball. But both players have a right to a ball in the air and incidental contact will be judged accordingly.
Start of the Game
Game Time and Time Outs
Flag Belts and Legal "Tackles"
Tie and Overtime Games
Field Dimensions and Downs
· The ball will be ruled dead at the spot where it was when the whistle was blown.
Safety and Touchbacks
Section 1: Penalties with a loss of 5 yards
Measurement of half the distance to the goal line is done inside the 10-yard line for 5-yard penalties and inside the 20-yard line on 10-yard lines.
There are two divisions for the Tom Roehl Turkey Bowl.
· 6 on 6 Co-Ed division
The co-ed division will be more strict on contact related rules and will require at least 2 females to be on the field at all times. A female will be required to participate in an offensive play at least every 4th down.
For instance, if it is 3rd down and neither of the females on the offensive team have touched the ball in the previous 2 downs, the offensive team will have 2 more downs to involve a female.
Females may participate in the same way men can, by throwing, catching or running the ball.
Failure to use a female in 4 downs will result in a turnover on downs, unless a team punts on 4th down.
Using the example above, if the offense fails to gain a first down on 3rd and did not target a female on the play, they may elect to punt, and would not be required to involve the female on that down.
· 5 on 5 men’s division
The Men’s division will have no restrictions on player involvement, but will follow all other rules outlined here.
The men’s division will be “slightly” more lenient on inadvertent contact on deep passes, but will not allow any other contact as outlined in these rules. The basic rule on passes will be that no offensive or defensive player may go through a player to get to the ball and may not inhibit the other person from going after the ball. But both players have a right to a ball in the air and incidental contact will be judged accordingly.
Start of the Game
- The officials watch will be the timepiece used to decide game time.
- Team captains will play rock paper scissor to determine who wins the “Coin Toss” and winner will get to select direction, offense or defense. The losing captain will then either select direction or ball, depending on what the winning team selects. Teams automatically switch ends at the half.
Game Time and Time Outs
- Seeding round games will be two 15 minutes halves of running time. Only the last minute of the second half will be stopped for all dead ball situations such as: time-outs, penalties, change of possessions, out of bound plays, incomplete passes, and all scores.
- Half time will be 5-minutes
- The offensive team has 25 seconds from the time the ball and restraining line are set by the officials to put the ball back into play. If the team exceeds 25 seconds, officials will call a delay of game penalty.
- A game or half cannot end on a defensive penalty unless the penalty is refused.
- All players are eligible to receive a pass.
- Only one forward pass per down (either over handed or underhanded).
- 2 forward hand-offs (Center Sneaks) between the center and quarterback are allowed per game.
- At the time of a pass reception, the receiver must have at least one foot down and in bounds for a complete pass (Ball in complete control).
- Any number of backward or lateral passes are permitted.
- All fumbled balls touching the ground are dead immediately at the spot the ball is next put into play at that spot.
- Exception: The QB is allowed to make an attempt to collect the snap, if it is a bad snap but on the ground in front of the QB, it is still a live ball for the OFFENSE. If a defensive player touches it before an offensive player it is down at the spot. If the snap goes over the QB’s head it is down dead at the spot where it touches the ground. The QB must have possession of the football before they can fumble it.
- The team fumbling the ball retains possession of the ball (except on the 4th down).
- The kick, which strikes the ground after being touched by a receiver, is dead at that point.
- All incomplete laterals or passes behind the line of scrimmage will be spotted where the ball lands.
- Any player catching a passed or fumbled ball that does not touch the ground can advance that ball.
- A fumbled ball by an offensive team in their end zone constitutes a safety.
- The offensive team may not fumble a ball forward in mid-air to advance the ball.
- The defense may not attempt to strip the ball from the offensive player, and this will be called an illegal use of the hands. However, if the offensive player is holding the ball out in front of them and the defensive player can “Take” the ball from the offensive player without making contact with the offensive player’s body (Hand is consider part of the ball), it will be a change of possession.
Flag Belts and Legal "Tackles"
- Each player must wear a flag belt with 2 flags, aligned with one flag on each hip; Every player must have their shirt tucked in their pants.
- If a player loses his/her flag belt and has possession of the ball, the defense must touch them with one hand between the shoulders and knees to make the legal "tackle."
- A legal tackle is made when a defensive player detaches a flag from the ball carrier.
- A flag guard will be called if a ball carrier uses his/her hands, arms, the ball or clothing to hide or prevent an opponent from pulling the flag.
- Any ball carrier caught wearing the belt illegally will be ejected from the field of play.
- The ball is dead if either knee of the ball carrier touches the ground at any time.
Tie and Overtime Games
- In case of tie at the end of regulation play during the seeding rounds, the game will end and be recorded as a tie.
- During the playoffs, overtime will be played as follows: each team will get four downs from the ten yard line (closest to their opponent's goal) to score. Whichever team scores in the fewest amount of downs, wins.
- Each team will get one 30-second timeout per overtime.
- Only sneakers, or cleats/turf shoes are permitted. (No metal spikes or bare feet will be allowed.)
- No jewelry (rings, necklaces, or earrings) is to be worn when playing.
Field Dimensions and Downs
- There are two formats and each has slightly different field sizes.
- Co-Ed division, which is 6on6, the field will be 60-yards by 30-yards, with 10-yard end zones.
- Men’s division, which is 5on5, the field will be 60-yards by 25 yards, with 10 yard end zones.
- The field will be divided into 3 - 17-yard zones. A team has four downs to cross each consecutive cone (First down cone every 17-yards). If a team has a penalty which pushes the line of scrimmage behind a cone the offense must still pass the original first down cone.
- During a runback, if a penalty pushes the line of scrimmage behind a new first down cone, the first down cone will then be the next cone on the field from the LOS.
- Every offensive play must start with a center-QB snap, but there are no restrictions on the depth or type of snap that the offense must use.
- There are two divisions, Co-Ed and Men’s.
- The Co-Ed division will consist of a maximum of 6 players, 2 of which must be females, on the field at all times. The minimum to start a game will be 5 players, 1 of which must be a female.
- The Men’s division will consist of a maximum of 5 players on the field at all times. The minimum to start a game will be 4 players, one of which must snap the ball to the QB.
- Free substitution is allowed after the ball is ready for play and before the snap, each player or entering substitute of an offensive team can be lined up anywhere behind the line of scrimmage.
- Only one player may be in motion parallel to the line at any one time before the ball is snapped.
- The referee will ask the offensive team on all fourth downs if they intend to punt or "go for it." There are no fakes allowed.
- All offensive players must remain at the line of scrimmage until the ball is kicked. The defense is only required to have 3 players on the line of Scrimmage, NO players that are on the line of scrimmage may move until the ball is kicked.
- The defense may not attempt to block the punt.
- There is no intentional contact allowed. Players are NOT allowed to initiate contact; either through the extension of arms, lowering of shoulders or hand fighting. This applies for both offensive and defensive players.
- There is no bump and run allowed, but inadvertent contact down field from a defensive player running with a WR will be at the judgment of the official.
- The only type of “blocking” allowed is screen blocking. All blocking must be made with the blocker in an upright position with both hands clasped in front of or behind their backs or directly at their sides. This would be the same as screen in basketball. A moving screen will be an illegal block.
- No player may use his/her hand to go through, over, or around an opponent.
- There are no body-blocks roll-blocks, or shoulder-blocks allowed at anytime (“Blowing” a player up will result in an immediate expulsion from the game and tournament, this includes a defensive player going through a screen “block”.)
- Offensive players may not keep their elbows out when blocking, they must be against the body.
- The Defense may rush ONE player on each snap, but this person must start from 2-yards behind the line of scrimmage and may not make any intentional contact with an offensive player. The offensive players are allowed to set their position, similar to a screen in basketball, the defensive player must go around the offensive player and not through the screen.
- The official will drop two markers, one for the line of scrimmage and one for the defensive rushing point, 2 yards from the LOS.
- Offensive players must follow the screen rules outlined above in the blocking section.
· The ball will be ruled dead at the spot where it was when the whistle was blown.
Safety and Touchbacks
- A fumbled ball by an offensive team in their end zone constitutes a safety.
- If a team intercepts a pass in the end zone and does not advance the ball out of the end zone it is a touchback. The ball is put in play on the 17-yard line.
- If a team receives a punt in their end zone and does not advance it out of the end zone, it is a touchback. The ball is put in play on the 17-yard line.
- Following a safety, the ball shall be placed on the 17-yard line of the team credited with the safety.
- Touchdown: 6 Points
- Safety: 2 Points
- Point after touchdown:
- From 5-yard line: 1 Point
- From 10-yard line: 2 Points
Section 1: Penalties with a loss of 5 yards
- Delay of game or illegal substitution (*Whistle blown to end play).
- Free kick infractions
- Interference with opponent or ball before snap
- False start or any illegal act by the snapper*.
- Encroachment
- Player illegally in motion
- Illegal shift
- Illegal handling ball forward (fumbling forward Intentionally)
- Illegal forward pass by A or B
- Illegal procedure
- Offsides
- Flag guarding or stiff arm. (Play will be called dead at the spot of the penalty and a loss of 5 yards from the spot of the foul)
- Defensive illegal use of hands or holding a ball carrier to remove a flag
- For instance: when attempting to pull a flag of the defender hinders the offensive player from advancing the ball without actually pulling the flag
- Delaying start of either half
- Offensive forward pass interference (loss of down)
- Holding, illegal block, or blocking below the waist
- Striking, kicking, kneeing (also result in disqualification)
- Clipping, hurdling, tripping
- Illegal participation
- Unsportsmanlike conduct by player, coach, or attendant
- This includes swearing at officials or players, OR in a manner and volume that is audible to anybody not on the field. Basically, don’t swear!! If you do and it is directed at anybody or can be hard by fans you will be penalized.
- Pushing runner or interlocked interference
- Roughing the kicker (automatic first down)
- Roughing the passer (automatic first down)
- This is called if the rusher hits the QB’s arm while it is going forward or makes significant contact with the QB while in throwing motion. If a defensive player is attempting to go for the flags at the waist and trips, falls, or is pushed into the QB, creating additional contact, it will be the judgment of the official if it is roughing the passer.
- Defensive pass interference (ball spotted at infraction; automatic first down)
Measurement of half the distance to the goal line is done inside the 10-yard line for 5-yard penalties and inside the 20-yard line on 10-yard lines.