Previous Recipients
Jordan Lamb - 2010
Hannah Merrell - 2009

Hannah and her father
Hannah graduated from Coupeville in 2009 and is currently attending the University of Washington. She is planning on majoring in biology, then applying to veterinary school to pursue her dream of becoming a large animal veterinarian. She works as a student helper at the UW hospital, assisting the orthopedic and sports medicine doctors with IT and computer problems. In her free time you can find her competing on the University of Washington Equestrian Team, watching Glee with her roommates, or rockin' out to music.
James Smith - 2008
Corinne Gaddis - 2007
Michael Bagby - 2006
Taniel (Lamb) Proctor - 2005

Taniel and her husban
After graduation from Coupeville in 2005, Taniel had the opportunity to take part in a summer nursing internship at Whidbey General Hospital. It was there that she developed an interest in a nursing career and that fall left to attend school at Brigham Young University in Provo Utah. She was accepted in their school of nursing and spent the next 5 years stressing, studying, and working in hospitals all over the state until graduating with a Bachelors of Science degree and a Registered Nurse license.
It wasn't all school work though, as she was able to let off steam playing many different intramural sports with friends including volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, basketball, tennis, and flag football. She has also had the opportunity to give back to the community through tutoring elementary school students, working at free health clinics, and serving in her church. She was married in February 2009 and is now living in Champaign, Illinois working as a nurse while her husband works towards his master’s degree.
It wasn't all school work though, as she was able to let off steam playing many different intramural sports with friends including volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, basketball, tennis, and flag football. She has also had the opportunity to give back to the community through tutoring elementary school students, working at free health clinics, and serving in her church. She was married in February 2009 and is now living in Champaign, Illinois working as a nurse while her husband works towards his master’s degree.